All About Antenatal Classes

Feel more empowered, informed, and positive about childbirth and your life with a new baby by attending an antenatal class during your pregnancy.
What do you learn in an antenatal class?
Every provider is slightly different in their focus and approach, but the foundations tend to be the same. You can learn:
- The physiology of birth.
- Your options for birth (locations, interventions, and pain relief) so you can make informed decisions.
- Your birth rights.
- What to expect during labour and delivery for a vaginal birth and a C-section.
- Techniques and strategies for managing labour.
- What to expect once the baby is born.
- How to put on a nappy, give pēpi a bath and breastfeed.
What are the benefits of attending?
- You can ask any questions you may have.
- It’s great for your partner or birthing partner to engage in practical learning about birth, postpartum and caring for the baby, especially if you have already done some reading and research.
- It can make you feel more positive about your upcoming birth and more confident in your ability as a māmā.
- It can make you feel more informed about your choices for birth and less uncertain about what can happen.
- It is a good knowledge refresher for parents who already have children or have attended antenatal classes before.
- It is an opportunity to make new friends with other mothers and fathers in your local area who will have babies the same age as yours.
When is best to attend?
Most people attend their antenatal class from seven or eight months but it’s best to book in as early as possible given they can fill up fast! Most providers, like Parents Centre, try to group parents into classes with others who are due to give birth around the same time so your babies will be a similar age.