How to Make a Birth Plan

Preferences to consider when making a birth plan.
Whether you choose to create a ‘birth plan’ or not is totally up to you, but it is a good idea to at least discuss your preferences with your LMC and birth support person so they have an understanding of your wishes.
There are lots of options to contemplate when it comes to birth but it’s important to remember that labour and delivery don’t always go to plan. Here are some things you might like to consider when discussing your preferences for the birth of your pēpi with your LMC:
- Where would you like to give birth?
- Who would you like to support you during early labour? Is it your partner, a friend or someone from your whānau? Do they know what their role will be or what you might require from them?
- Who would you like to be in the room with you when you’re giving birth?
- Do you need an interpreter or someone to sign for you?
- Do you have any special needs or require any special equipment?
- Do you have any cultural or religious requirements for your labour or birth?
- Would you like to use a birth pool or give birth in the water?
- Do you want to have vaginal examinations? If you do, do you want to be told how dilated you are?
- Do you want to have pain relief or not?
- How do you feel about an assisted delivery?
- Do you want to have active management of the placenta/whenua (an injection to speed up the delivery), or do you want this to be physiological (unaided)?
- What do you want to do with the placenta/whenua following birth?
- Who do you want to cut the umbilical cord?
- Do you give permission for your baby to receive vitamin K?