Antenatal Class Providers in Aotearoa

Are you wondering what your options are for antenatal classes? There are hundreds of antenatal classes, hypnobirthing classes and online courses in New Zealand. Here are some of the most popular providers in New Zealand:
- Parents Centre is the largest provider of childbirth and parent education in the country, with 52 centres nationwide ensuring you are always part of a local ‘coffee group’. Book online at
- Plunket offers various free parenting education courses at their centres around the country. Visit to discover the classes available near you.
- Hapū Wānanga is a kaupapa Māori birth and parenting education programme for hapū wāhine and their whānau. It is usually free. Ask your LMC for more information about upcoming courses in your area.
- Your LMC will be able to tell you about classes run by your local hospital maternity unit or birthing centre.
- Hatched Antenatal is an online antenatal course developed by a Tauranga-based LMC midwife. The course comprises of 12 videos and a downloadable booklet, enabling you to learn at your own pace. Join their online class for $89 at
- Hypnobirthing courses are becoming more popular and are great for people who want to prepare more thoroughly for a positive birthing experience. Your Birth Project, designed by Kiwi māmā and qualified Hypnobirthing instructor Jordyn Gregory, is a practical online course to help you feel empowered, confident and informed ahead of your labour and birth. Take the course for $89 at