Healing From Pregnancy Loss: Support Services

However you feel about your pregnancy loss, your feelings are valid.
If you had a miscarriage or a stillbirth, no matter what stage of pregnancy they were at when the baby passed, for many pregnant people, their partners, and their whānau, grief over the loss of their baby or babies is a common feeling. You may feel guilt, anger, shock, denial, helplessness, or feelings of failure – all of these are normal. Your partner may grieve differently to you and that’s okay too. If at any time you feel overwhelmed and cannot cope with your grief, reach out to your GP or LMC. They are here to provide you with help and support.
It can also be comforting to confide in other people or couples who have experienced miscarriage or stillbirth and sought support for their own loss.
To seek additional support you may wish to:
- Visit miscarriagesupport.org.nz – an organisation providing information about miscarriage.
- Visit sands.org.nz, the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Support (SANDS) website.
- Call the SANDS supportline on 0508 72 63 72.
- Join the private Miscarriage Support NZ Facebook group.
- Visit miscarriagematters.org.nz for support and information on pregnancy loss.