Tracey Warren, Founder
Māmā of three: Emilie (15), Xavier (13), Tyler (11)
Describe your pregnancies and births in five words.
Surprise, wonderful, mine, fast, natural.
What pregnancy symptoms did you experience?
Hyperemesis gravidarum, but it was less severe with each pregnancy. Thank you, acupuncture!

Skye Ross, Editor
Māmā of one: Albertine (2)
What advice would you go back and give your new-mum-self?
Surrender. Your baby will tell you what she needs, you just need to choose to listen, even if her wants don’t line up with what you think she ‘should’ be doing. Oh, and you can’t create bad habits with a baby – soak up all the cuddles and know it’s more than okay to soothe her with breastfeeding.

Renée Sterne, Creative Director
Māmā of two: Summer (10) and Haven (7)
What has been your favourite age/stage to date?
I’ve enjoyed each stage so far for different reasons. I have such fond memories of when the girls were babies and toddlers – I loved that time. But I also love how they are able to interact and communicate with me as older children now. For me, every stage has progressively got more fun!

Gen Ali, Advertising and Partnerships Director
Māmā of two: TJ (3) and Soraya (1)
What is your favourite parenting-related quote or saying?
“Don’t just teach your kids how to count, teach them what counts the most.” One of my greatest joys has been watching my children experience and learn about the world and its people for the first time.