The Importance of Being Smokefree for Your Baby

For the health and safety of your baby, it’s important to make your whare (home) and waka (car) are smokefree as cigarette smoke can harm your baby.
Babies who live with smokers become sick more often than those that don’t and are more likely to get chest infections, glue ear, and develop asthma. Pēpi that are exposed to second-hand smoke are also at increased risk of dying suddenly in their sleep (SUDI).
To make your home and car smokefree:
- Make a rule that your home and car are smokefree at all times – and that applies to everyone.
- Get rid of all the ashtrays in your home.
- Clean out your car and its ashtray.
- Remove the cigarette lighter from your car to prevent people from smoking.
- Talk to your partner and whānau about the harm that smoking can cause your baby. Ask them for their support by not smoking in your home or car.
- Let guests know that your home and car are smokefree by putting up Smokefree/Auahi Kore stickers.
It’s never too late to quit smoking for your baby. Quitting now will make your baby healthier and it also means you’re likely to live a longer, healthier life as a parent. You’ll save heaps of money too. Quitline offers free support to help you quit smoking and make your home smokefree. Call 0800 778 778 for help.