Waters broke no labor induction 37 weeks – Natalie
37 week 4 days pregnant.1st April 2017. My waters broke. 9am Typical date
A Positive Birth Story – Steph Oberholzer
My waters broke at 1pm, almost on the dot, on my husbands birthday. I was sitting on a stool to rearrange the contents of our freezer, when I stood up and *pop*! Thank goodness I was at home and on
Dramatic, Emotional, and Nothing to Plan – Tiara Rei
This was my first child so I had a clear plan of what I hoped to do come birth day. I wanted to labour and birth in the water vaginally at a birthing unit surrounded by loved ones and with
Empowered and Informed With Interventions – Skye Ross
I went into my birth with clear preferences - go into labour spontaneously at home, labour at home for as long as possible using Hypnobirthing techniques, transfer to Parnell Birth Care at 7cm dilated, have the baby in the birth
Super Quick – Tracey
My first baby arrived a week early. Being my first and running my own business this was VERY unexpected and not part of "the plan". I was definitely expecting, and hoping for, a late baby. Someone said "easier in, than