COVID-19 Advice for Pregnant People

COVID-19 is a viral respiratory disease that commonly causes fever, dry cough, tiredness and flu-like symptoms.
The most recent information from the Ministry of Health is that pregnant people and newborn babies may be at greater risk of poor outcomes if infected with COVID-19.
To protect yourself and others from COVID-19 you should:
- Get vaccinated as soon as you can. The Ministry of Health and the New Zealand College of Midwives recommend that pregnant people receive both doses of the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccine, as well as a booster. It is safe to get the vaccine at any stage of your pregnancy.
- Stay home if you’re sick and call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 to arrange a free test. It’s important to follow their advice while waiting for your test result. Then also let your LMC (midwife/GP/obstetrician) know.
- Practice good hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water often, coughing or sneezing into your elbow, and cleaning surfaces regularly. Avoid touching your face and improve ventilation when indoors.
- Wear a mask or face covering when out in the community. It is currently mandatory for people aged 12 and over to wear a face covering when taking public transport or going into a business.
- Record your movements by scanning QR codes wherever you go, using the NZ COVID Tracer app. Turn on Bluetooth tracing.
- Follow physical distancing guidelines.
- If you are employed, it’s important to be able to do your job safely. Discuss this with your employer to make a plan to ensure your workplace is safe.
If you are considered high risk, you may want to take extra precautions during your pregnancy such as limiting interactions with others, wearing a face covering in public, and staying home where possible. For further advice on extra precautions, visit
If you develop symptoms of COVID-19, you should call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 for advice and then also let your LMC know after speaking with them.