10 Helpful Organisations That Support Whānau & Parents in New Zealand

Becoming a māmā – whether it is for the first time or the sixth – can be a challenging and lonely experience if you don’t have support.
Here are some wonderful organisations that are dedicated to helping parents and families in New Zealand:
- Bellyful is a national charitable organisation that cooks and delivers meals to families with newborn babies and families with young children who are struggling with illness, where there is little or no family or social support. Visit bellyful.org.nz.
- The Neonatal Trust is a charity that works to support parents of neonatal babies. Visit neonataltrust.org.nz.
- Parent to Parent is a nationwide not-for-profit organisation that supports the families of babies, children, teens and adults with any type of disability or health impairment. Visit parent2parent.org.nz.
- Parent Help is a non-profit organisation that provides parent and whānau support in the form of advice, counselling and coaching. For free support and advice, call the Parent Helpline on 0800 568 856, from 9am – 9pm any day of the week, or visit parenthelp.org.nz.
- SKIP provides evidence-based parenting information and resources to support whānau. Visit skip.org.nz.
- Mothers Helpers is a charity that provides support and recovery to mums who are struggling with their mental health. Visit mothershelpers.co.nz.
- Barnardos is a children’s charity that helps children, families and whānau in need with social support services, guidance, early learning and childcare. Visit barnardos.org.nz.
- Family Works is a charitable organisation that provides a range of social services and support to children, young people, families and whānau facing a challenging time. Visit familyworks.org.nz.
- Parenting Place is a charity that provides parenting advice and support for all families, including events, coaching, courses, camps and online support. Visit parentingplace.nz.