Resources and Support When Breastfeeding

PHOTOGRAPHY Kirsty Stone @thesearethegoldendays
Where to find help, plus great resources to support you on your breastfeeding journey.
As natural as breastfeeding is, it’s also a learned skill and can be challenging at times. If you’re finding breastfeeding difficult, you’re not alone. There is support available to you, no matter where you live.
- Most district health boards (DHBs) offer publicly funded (free) access to community lactation consultants. Ask your LMC or Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse about services available in your local area or visit to find breastfeeding support closest to you.
- PlunketLine is a free, 24/7 phone service available to all whānau and caregivers throughout New Zealand who require parenting help. Your call will be answered by a Plunket nurse who can provide advice and information on breastfeeding, your child’s health and wellbeing, and parenting issues. Free call PlunketLine on 0800 933 922.
- Plunket also offers a free online lactation consultant service. This is available throughout Aotearoa, wherever there is a reliable internet connection. Ask your Plunket nurse for a referral or free call PlunketLine on 0800 933 922 to have an assessment over the phone with a Plunket nurse and make an appointment for a video call with one of their International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. You can access this free service even if Plunket is not your chosen Well Child Tamariki Ora provider.
- Find a private International Board Certified Lactation Consultant near you at or call 0800 452 282. Fees apply to private services.
- La Leche League provides mother to mother breastfeeding support through their trained leaders and local groups. They also offer free, informal monthly meetings about early breastfeeding, normal breastfeeding, overcoming difficulties and much more. Visit to connect with a leader near you and to find details of their upcoming events.
- Download the free BreastFedNZ app to receive key information and support to help you achieve your breastfeeding goals.
- Mama Aroha has designed empowering and informative breastfeeding talk cards that are a simple tool for learning about the art and importance of breastfeeding. Visit
- is a website that provides evidence-based information on breastfeeding and parenting. There are hundreds of helpful articles covering everything from what’s normal to common concerns.
- Raising Children is a New Zealand-based website that features video content created to support parents as they raise their children. They have a dedicated section to breastfeeding, including resources on why breastfeeding is important, how to master the art of breastfeeding, and advice for establishing breastfeeding. Visit
- HolisticBaby is run by renowned midwife and lactation consultant, Cathy McCormick. She offers a mother’s support group on Zoom for those in the postpartum period looking for support support with feeding, post birth recovery (physically and emotionally), settling, wind, reflux, feeling isolated in motherhood, lack of sleep and much more. Visit for more information.
The Breastfed NZ – Support Group is for breastfeeding mothers and caregivers in New Zealand.
The Birthing and Breast or Chestfeeding Trans People and Allies group is for trans or genderfluid parents and allies.