Maraea’s Story

I had support from Maternity Mental Health Services for about a year. It was extremely helpful (while it lasted) and I also got put on medication. I was absolutely against the medication the first time I was prescribed it. By the second time I needed it so I tried it and it was exactly what I needed.
You deserve to be happy.
“Happiness is a habit—cultivate it.”
Quote by Elbert Hubbard
Blue Stories Project
Mental Health Awareness Week is upon us and visual artist, Karolina Gorton, is brightening up the streets of Aotearoa with her vibrant pop-art-with-a-purpose. That purpose is to shine a light on perinatal depression, an illness that all too often goes undiagnosed and often carries with it a stigma that is unhelpful and unjustified.
This nationwide poster campaign (26 September – 8 October) is part of the wider Blue Stories Project. The stories from the posters, and more from around Aotearoa, can be experienced online at or in person at a number of exhibitions that are popping up around the country. Currently there is an opportunity to connect with 12 stories and portraits created in collaboration with Well Women Franklin at Pukekohe Library, in Auckland (until September 30). A second exhibition opens in Canterbury at South Library in collaboration with Perinatal Wellbeing Canterbury at 1pm on September 24. All are invited to attend to hear guest speakers, enjoy some refreshments and to connect with the exhibition.