Immunisation Schedule for Children in New Zealand

Give your child the best protection by immunising on time, every time.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) recommend immunising your child. In New Zealand, it’s free to immunise your tamariki with the vaccines in the National Immunisation Schedule, a timeline that starts for your pēpi at six weeks old. Every year, over a million people worldwide die from diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. By immunising your child, they will have the best protection from serious and sometimes fatal diseases.
Disease To Protect Against:
Rotavirus (first dose must be given before 15 weeks)
Vaccine Given:
Rotarix® (one oral dose)
Disease To Protect Against:
Diphtheria + tetanus + whooping cough (pertussis) + polio + hepatitis B + Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Vaccine Given:
Infanrix®-hexa (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Rotavirus (second dose must be given before 25 weeks)
Vaccine Given:
Rotarix® (one oral dose)
Disease To Protect Against:
Diphtheria + tetanus + whooping cough (pertussis) + polio + hepatitis B + Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Vaccine Given:
Infanrix®-hexa (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Diphtheria + tetanus + whooping cough (pertussis) + polio + hepatitis B + Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Vaccine Given:
Infanrix®-hexa (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Pneumococcal disease
Vaccine Given:
Synflorix® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Measles + mumps + rubella
Vaccine Given:
Priorix® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Pneumococcal disease
Vaccine Given:
Synflorix® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)
Vaccine Given:
Hiberix® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Measles + mumps + rubella
Vaccine Given:
Priorix® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Chickenpox (varicella)
Vaccine Given:
Varivax® (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Diphtheria + Tetanus + Pertussis + Polio
Vaccine Given:
Infanrix®-IPV (one injection)
11 OR 12 YEARS
Disease To Protect Against:
Tetanus + Diphtheria + Pertussis
Vaccine Given:
Boostrix™ (one injection)
Disease To Protect Against:
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Vaccine Given:
Gardasil® (two injections give at least six months apart for those aged 14 and under)
Your child will be given their immunisations at your family doctor, or they may be offered their 11 or 12 year old immunisations at school. Book an appointment for when they will be at the right age for their vaccinations. For the best protection, your child needs to be immunised on time. If you think your child has missed some of their vaccinations, speak to your nurse or GP.
When you go to the appointment, take your Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book with you so your child’s immunisations can be recorded. The doctor or nurse will discuss the vaccines with you, let you know of possible reactions afterwards, and answer any questions you have. Let them know if you have any concerns or worries; they’re here to help and provide you with the facts. For advice on how to help your baby or toddler through their vaccinations, see our article here. After your child has been immunised, you will need to wait in the clinic for 20 minutes.
If you are concerned about your child’s reaction to an immunisation, talk to your doctor or nurse or call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116 anytime, day or night.