8 Christmas Traditions to Adopt with Your Pēpi and Tamariki

For the festive types, being a parent makes Christmas all the more exciting!
Many of us recall our fondest childhood memories from Christmas time; the stories, decorations, songs, food, and, of course, presents. There’s plenty of joy to be shared with our little ones so why not adopt some of your own traditions? It’s never too late to start something new and it certainly doesn’t need to be complicated.
Here are some of our favourite ideas:
1. Cut down your own Christmas tree. When the gates to your local Christmas tree farm open each year, head there with the kids and let them pick the tree they love the most before you go back home to decorate it together. Note: It’s essential to have your favourite festive playlist playing in the background.
2. Create an advent calendar filled with special surprises. You might like to put in daily activities (e.g. a visit to the zoo or baking cookies), toys (e.g. animal figurines or Matchbox cars), decorations, or little treats.
3. Take part in Elf on the Shelf. If you don’t like the idea about elf watching how the kids behave, you can simply make up your own story as to why he or she has come to visit – perhaps it’s to bring some joy and cheer to your house and help everyone get excited for Christmas.
4. Bust out the matching jumpers or pyjamas for the whole whānau – be sure to take a photo!
Spot’s First Christmas book, $26.80, from Paper Plus.
5. Find a new Christmas book to add to your collection. Keep an eye out at second-hand stores and opshops as you can often pick up some classics there.
6. Order a new ornament or bauble each year. We especially love the quirkier decorations and the ones that can be personalised.
7. To help kick off the holiday season, put together a 1st of December box complete with Christmas-themed crafts (think stickers and colouring books), festive pyjamas, and that new ornament and Christmas book we mentioned previously.
8. On Christmas Eve, sprinkle some reindeer food on the lawn to help guide Rudolf and his reindeer friends to your home and, once the kids are asleep, break out the stencils to make some faux footprints. Of course it goes without saying (but we’ll remind you anyway) don’t forget to put out a glass of milk and a cookie for Santa.